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Tech For Good, technology for the common good

Taking a stand for a responsible and inclusive technological progress

Since 2018, The Tech for Good Summit, an initiative of the President Macron, brings together corporate groups, start-ups and non-profits to define development models that put digital and technology at the service of humanity. They work together around “for good” initiatives, for all and everywhere.

This group gathers 80 leaders who undertook specific commitments followed by concrete actions, structured around five workstreams : education; gender equity and diversity; Future of Work; economic and social inclusiveness and environment protection.

The covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the shift to digital and has highlighted drift in digital uses, as well as inequalities. However, we believe these same technologies will serve as a major catalyst to enhance our societies’ resilience and the recovery of our economies. The Tech For Good Call, launched on 1 December 2020 falls within this very specific context.

The President Emmanuel Macron talking about Tech For Good

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